Thursday 10 November 2016

Ganodent Toothpaste - completely fluoride free

                                             GANODENT - A GANODERMA TOOTH PASTE


Presenting World Class Product - A toothpaste from "Ganodent" from Proyoung.
Get freedom from Fluoride in tooth pastes. World's only fluoride free tooth paste.

The Best and International Quality Products from a 34 year old Multi National company.

Keep Cavities away from your teeths with fluoride free toothpaste manufactured by Proyoung International.

Fluoride is a natural Mineral with unnatural ability to stir controversy. 

It is called as "deadly poison" and an "invisible killer" by many- which you need to avoid if you had any choice.

If you prefer to brush without fluoride, ‪#‎PROYOUNG‬ a ‪#‎wellness‬based company provides you fluoride free paste - because ‪#‎Wecare‬ for your‪#‎health‬.

Want More Information ::Call Me Now -+91-8545980869

MRP and DP is Differ. MRP is Rs. 225 only for 150 Gram Toothpaste.

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