Saturday, 8 October 2016

Are we aware about our Health ?

Are we aware about our HEALTH ? 

                     Persons who are in other companies are grabbing this opportunity very fast ,which I am going to show step by step with the help of my next page. As we know and according to wellness experts - that the time after year 2020 , is of WELLNESS SECTORBut before that Lets we talk about a really on a serious issue which is " OUR HEALTH ". 

                         In today's life , there are so much type of  pollution that each and every thing is polluting our nature and to us , our body. Air Pollution , Noise Pollution , Water Pollution and soil Pollution are the kind of Pollution which are really harmful for us in many ways. 
                        Poisonous gases released from industries and vehicles , Smoke from Domestic sources , cutting of trees which absorb excess carbon dioxide causes  ASTHMA , BRONCHITIS , COUGH , NAUSEA , IRRITATION OF EYES ETC.
                       Various types of Pollutants enter the water bodies through sewage,industrial waste may lead  to various water borne diseases such as dysentery , jaundice , various skin diseases , etc..  
                       Pollution due to loud noise  made by machinery, loudspeakers , TV, etc. can cause irritation , loss of hearing , sleep disturbances , etc. and 
                      In last the main one which is Soil PollutionThis can happen due to the overuse of the Pesticides and increased usage of chemical fertilizers , dumping of industrial wastes into the soil. Many health problems are caused due to soil contamination .One of the main soil pollutant is LEAD , which is very harmful as it can affect the development of the brain in the children and damage the KIDNEY in adults.The food items prepared in the soil , all are polluted. Think once that what we are eating and our family , children  , parents , relatives, friends eating. Can't we bring some awareness in our mind for our bodies to keep it healthy always before its get damage . Its better to take care before its get damage. 

                    Dear all , What I want to say is that our body is not getting that things which it requires to remain HEALTHYIt's absorbing only pollutants from everywhere. 

                   "So, to keep our body HEALTHY, we all will have to start taking our food supplements that our body needs from now only before meals otherwise, in future we will start taking medicines instead of our meals."

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